Hi it’s Renata from GlobalFashionStylist , lovely to meet you !! 

Thanks for being curious enough to find out whether you are wearing the right colours . I hope you find this guide helpful . 

I’m talking about skin undertones here.

So how do you know whether you are cool, warm or neutral? There are a few useful ways to gain an idea of what undertone you have. 

For example, the hue of your jewellery, the shades you see most in your wardrobe, and even the colour that the veins in your wrists appear can all indicate whether you are warm, cool or neutral. 

A warm undertone is classified as being more yellow, golden, or peachy. A cool undertone is going to be more blue, pink, or red. (You can also be a mix of both, which is classified as Neutral ,  which case you can pretty much just wear any colors .

How to figure out if you are cool or warm ? 

1 – inspect the veins on your arms. If they’re closer to a blue or purple hue, you’re probably “cool.” If the veins have a greenish tinge, you’re probably “warm.”

2 – place a silver and gold line (use makeup or gold and silver jewelry) on your arm. If the silver looks better on your skin, you’re probably cool toned. If you look better with the gold, you’re probably warm toned. 

3 – if you look better in starker whites and blacks, you may have cool undertones. If ivory or off-white are more flattering for you, you may have warm undertones.

4 – if you burn easily in the sun, you’re probably cool. If you tan very easy , you’re probably warm.

5 – if your eyes are blue, grey, or green and your hair is blonde, brown or black, you may be cool toned. If your eyes are hazel or brown and your hair  is black, brown, strawberry blonde, or red, you may be warm toned.

At this stage it should be quite clear which undertones you have are 

hot or cold: let’s talk colors:


Wear pastels (mint, lavender etc.), sharper colors (black, white, dark blue), and grey, taupe, pink, purple, most blues, rose, green, teal, and sharp reds. 


Wear earthy, golden, subdued colors like yellow, ivory, warm browns, orange, peach, gold, forest and avocado green, reds, rust, and turquoise. 

By choosing the right colours it really does make a difference. You are complimenting your skin tone by wearing the right colours ,giving you natural glow , and when you look in the mirror   , the mood is much more positive . This effects you and your confidence ,day to day .

If you want to get even more in depth, we also look at hair colour , eyes and out them all together for the complete colour palette 🎨 

Assisting you with what colours to wear and how to put them together super easy !! 

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